What fruits are high in protein?

Be sure to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits contain many different vitamins that have a positive effect on our health and help strengthen the immune system. And what fruits are the most protein can be found in this article.


At the beginning, it’s worth saying a little bit about the benefits of protein to our body and why it’s so important to eat high-protein foods. If there is a lack of protein in the body, immunity will begin to decline, the human body will be weakened and will not be able to fight disease.

In addition, this lack of nutrients can affect some internal organs. Hair loss also begins, the nails become brittle, the skin loses elasticity and elasticity, and sometimes vision problems can occur. For these and many other reasons, protein is essential for our body.

Everyone knows that meat, nuts and legumes are high in protein. But not everyone eats meat or nuts, and everyone has a different reason. But even vegetarians will not accept fruit.

Leaders in the amount of protein contained

The fruit leader in terms of protein content can be considered an exotic fruit called guava. Its pulp contains more than 2.5 g of protein. In addition, as part of this delicious fruit, there are various antioxidants that help improve health and maintain beauty and youth. The fruit perfectly strengthens the immune system. This fruit should be used alone or added to fruit salads.

Another place can rightly be given to such an exotic fruit, which is also called an “alligator pear.” It’s about avocado. This fruit is very high in calories and nutritious, but helps to lose those extra pounds. In addition to healthy fats, avocados are high in protein. In addition, the proteins in this fruit are much easier to absorb than proteins such as meat. On average, this fruit contains 2 g of this substance per 100 g of product. To eat the fruit and get the most out of it, it is recommended to add it to a variety of vegetable salads or cut out a healthy cocktail from it.


The fruit itself is very rich in vitamins and has many positive properties. In addition, passion fruit contains 2 g of protein per 100 g of product. You can eat exotic fruit, add it to a fruit salad, or cut out a cocktail from it.

All of your favorite bananas also have this important component. 100 g of product contains 1.1 g of protein. By eating a banana you not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also strengthen the body, saturate it with potassium and other useful substances. This fruit is perfect for quick snacks, which allows you to saturate the body with many useful vitamins and substances. This fruit can be eaten on its own. But you can add it to curd, which also contains protein. Natural yoghurt can be made into a milkshake or pieces of exotic fruit can be added.


Exotic fruits

Kumquat contains almost 2 grams of protein. This fruit also helps to strengthen the immune system and gives strength and power. This fruit is eaten by itself. It is important to note that all the benefits of the fruit are in its peel. Thus, kumquat is simply thoroughly washed. And eaten with peel, only to get rid of bones.

Exotic fruits, called durian, contain about 1.5 g of this valuable substance per 100 g. The pulp of this fruit is rich in vitamins and useful elements. The fruit perfectly satisfies hunger, strengthens the immune system and provides extra energy. Regular consumption of these exotic fruits helps to determine the function of the intestine and is an excellent prevention of intestinal diseases. Despite the fact that durian is not high in protein, the use of the fruit has a positive effect on the beauty and health of hair and nails. It also helps strengthen bone tissue and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Slightly more than 1 g of protein is present in kiwi. This fruit has one unique trait that should be mentioned separately. This fruit contains special substances that help to quickly and easily digest the proteins that the body gets from dairy or meat products. For this reason, many athletes are so warm that exotic fruits. After all, kiwi protein is better absorbed by the body.


For example, there are varieties where 100 grams contains about 1.5 grams of this substance. Nectarines, unlike regular peaches, are fragrant and sweet. Such fruits can be eaten alone, salads or other desserts are prepared.

It is worth mentioning that some dried fruits are rich in this useful substance. For example, these are dried apricots, plums, raisins and dates. On average, they contain about 3 grams of protein per 100 g of product. In addition, some berries contain protein. These are red currants, blackberries and raspberries. In its fruit data of about 1.5 g. And in popular fruits such as apricots, peaches, apples, etc., the protein content is quite low – an average of 0.5-0.9 g per 100 g of product.

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