Anyone looking for a radical solution to hair loss will sooner or later end up wondering whether a transplant or a prosthesis is better. In fact, the transplant and the prosthesis correspond to the two main solutions on which we can focus nowadays to return to show off our beautiful hair. However, we must not fall into the most classic of pitfalls: that of thinking that one solution is better than the other.
In fact, every treatment, including transplant and prosthesis. It is therefore not obvious to opt for one or the other way. This is why we have decided to draw up a short list of pros and cons for each of the key points depending on whether we want to choose the transplant or the prosthesis (in our case a class 1 medical device). For any doubts, as usual, we are here to help!
Transplant → Hair transplantation is notoriously more expensive than hair replacement or epenthesis. To determine the expense is the delicacy and duration of the intervention. Which is usually divided into several sessions conducted. By a doctor specialized Reconstructive Surgery (also known as Baldness Surgery). To give a rough idea, the costs range from 3,000 to 5,000 Euros, but thanks to our partners we can offer lower prices thanks to hair transplantation in Turkey, a now safe and consolidated practice.
Prosthesis → By eliminating all the surgical part. The costs of a capillary epenthesis. Are reduced accordingly. However, we must not think of 19th century wigs, used by kings and nobles. Technology has made great strides and nowadays. There are epenthesis on. The market with real hair grafted. By hand one by one on a dermatologic ally compatible polymer with costs ranging from 400 to 1200 Euros. Much depends on the quality of the hair, customization of the epenthesis and the quality level of the hair.
Transplant → Hair transplantation is a rather invasive therapy, although not as painful as one might imagine. The needles that allow us to transplant hair can cause at most a slight discomfort, destined to disappear within a few hours or at most a few days in conjunction with the attenuation of the swelling caused.
Prosthesis → For the prosthesis the problem of invasiveness does not arise: apart from the few preliminary sessions aimed at studying the best solution. The prosthesis is nothing more than a physical device. That must be applied with special adhesives. And rather intuitive measures.
Transplant →. If the transplant is preceded. By an appropriate medical history. There are no major risks in terms of potential adverse reactions. Instead, it is necessary to consider scheduling one or more control sessions on a quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. Useful for monitoring hair growth and the evolution of alopecia. In this way unexpected surprises will be avoided. With greater satisfaction and less stress.
Prosthesis → The capillary epenthesis requires special control sessions every month for the hygiene of the scalp and also for those who want to keep an eye on the evolution of the underlying alopecia. And decide for example when to start the transplant. As for the adverse reactions to date, the very few cases are due to hypersensitivity to the epenthesis.
4) HAIR MAINTENANCE OVER TIME transplant or prosthesis
Transplant → Transplanted hair requires special care and more attention than hair from a capillary epenthesis. You have to be very delicate, especially in the first months after the transplant. Hair must strengthen and thicken, and only then can we indulge in beach baths, contact sports and other lively activities. In any case, the precautions are simple and within everyone’s reach.
Prosthesis → For prostheses, maintenance is in part equivalent to that of normal hair. The hair of the capillary epenthesis. Must be washed. With normal shampoo. Possibly drying them with a low-power hairdryer every 30/40 days they need more cleaning. specific.
Transplant → Among the many interventions. To be taken into consideration. The transplant is the one with the longest duration. In fact it is a definitive treatment. Which can also be reversible but only under certain conditions (a bit like tattoos to understand). So be aware that this is not a hairstyle, but a look that will last for decades to come!
Prosthesis → With the prosthesis you can always go back without major changes. It is no coincidence. That the prostheses are used as. A preliminary to show the patient. How his hair will look once. The transplant has been carried out. In short, as you will have understood, the two interventions. More than the antipodes, are often one at the service of the other.